How Does Chemotherapy Work for Dogs and Cats?
During treatment, your pet is given an injection of specially formulated medication to destroy cancer cells in their body. Pet chemotherapy functions similar to human chemotherapy, but the effects of treatment, which are often quite severe in humans, are less debilitating in pets. Many dogs and cats are able to function well while they’re being treated with chemotherapy, though some nausea and inappetence can be expected.
Can I Prevent Cancer in My Pet?
Some cancers can be prevented. Spaying or neutering your pet can reduce or prevent certain reproductive cancers, such as uterine cancer (females) and testicular cancer (males).
It’s also important to be proactive about keeping your pet healthy by committing to annual wellness visits. Our veterinarians can examine your pet thoroughly and run blood work to screen for signs of disease. Early detection of disease processes is critical to successfully treating them and minimizing any debilitating effects in your pet.
Potential Signs of Cancer in Dogs and Cats
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- An unusual lump/bump under the skin
- Sores that don’t heal