Pet Medical Services
in Montgomery, AL

Montgomery Veterinary Associates offers a variety of pet medical services to support the management of a wide range of conditions in dogs and cats. Our capabilities allow us to provide high-end care from the very first exam to the finalized treatment plan, and our vets are always here to answer your questions and guide you and your pet through the treatment process.

Learn more about our pet medical services below and reach out to make an appointment!

Pet ultrasound utilizes soundwave echoes to help us visualize the abdominal organs and the heart. We can use this tool to check for cysts, tumors, fluid buildup, pregnancies, and other physical changes. Our Montgomery, AL veterinarians utilize pet ultrasound in a variety of ways.

Pet Radiology

Digital radiology is an advanced X-ray imaging technique that uses less radiation than traditional film X-ray.

With pet radiology, we can view and obtain important information about your pet’s bones, joints, GI tract, lungs, heart, and even bladder. We might turn to radiology following a physical exam and blood work if we need more help making a definitive diagnosis.

While our digital technology allows for more efficient X-ray procedures, it might still be necessary to lightly sedate your pet so we can obtain clearer images.


Tonometry is a procedure that allows us to check your pet’s intraocular pressure (pressure within the eye) using a tool called a tonometer. The procedure is painless and non-invasive. If you are looking for a pet eye doctor in Montgomery, AL, you have found  the right place!

Abnormal pressure within the eye could result in a condition called glaucoma, which can cause blindness in your pet. Increased intraocular pressure can also be painful, so addressing the problem early on can prevent discomfort and a diminished quality of life for your pet.

Signs your dog or cat may have an eye problem include:

  • Red/bloodshot eye or eyes
  • A cloudy cornea
  • Tears constantly coming from one or both eyes
  • Enlarged pupils
  • One eye protruding
  • Squinting of the eyes
  • Rubbing at one or both eyes


Pets have an endocrine system like we do, and they can also experience endocrine diseases. The endocrine system encompasses glands and tissues responsible for releasing hormones that regulate your pet’s growth, metabolism, and reproduction. Endocrine disorders may occur if your pet’s hormones are thrown off balance, and early detection and treatment are critical to prevent the condition from becoming life-threatening.

Common endocrine disorders we can treat in dogs and cats include:

  • Diabetes, which is caused by insulin resistance or an insulin deficiency
  • Hyperthyroidism, a condition that mostly affects cats and indicates an abnormally high amount of thyroid hormones in the body
  • Hypothyroidism, a condition often found in dogs, which indicates an abnormally low level of thyroid hormones in the body
  • Addison’s disease and Cushing’s disease

Cardiology involves diagnosing and treating heart conditions in pets. Our Montgomery, AL animal hospitals are equipped with tools for measuring and monitoring heart activity, and managing various heart diseases including congestive heart failure, heartworm disease (treatable in dogs but not cats), and valvular disease.

MVA offers pet chemotherapy for the treatment of various cancers, including reproductive cancer, for pets in the Montgomery, AL region. While it can be stressful to receive a cancer diagnosis for your pet, there is hope of treatment and a successful outcome. Chemotherapy is less debilitating for dogs and cats than it is for humans, and our team will use every resource to ensure the best care for your pet.

PennHIP and OFA Testing
for Hip Dysplasia

Certain dog breeds are more at risk for hip dysplasia due to genetic factors. Large and giant-breed dogs are especially at risk for this condition, because they can grow and gain weight more rapidly.

At MVA, we aim to be proactive in diagnosing and treating hip dysplasia and other joint conditions in dogs. PennHIP is a method of evaluation that allows for the early detection of hip dysplasia in dogs as young as 16 weeks of age. The procedure requires sedation of the patient and moving the joint into different positions to check for looseness and the potential for osteoarthritis.

OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) certification is a process in which we send X-rays of your dog’s hips to board-certified radiologists for review. The X-rays of the hips are graded for OFA certification and, similar to PennHIP, evaluate for signs of hip dysplasia.

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