


Why Does My Cat Lick Me

If you’re a cat owner, you’ve likely experienced your cat’s tongue on your skin. Many people wonder, “Why does my cat lick me?” This behavior can seem puzzling, but it’s actually a normal part of how cats communicate with their environment and the people in it. Understanding why your cat licks you can deepen the …

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How to Treat Dog Bad Breath

Dog bad breath is a common issue that many pet owners encounter. While it might seem like a minor nuisance, persistent bad breath in dogs can be an indicator of underlying health problems that need addressing. This blog will explore effective strategies that Montgomery Veterinary Associates recommend for managing your dog’s bad breath, ensuring your …

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How to Calm a Dog Down

Understanding how to calm a dog down is a valuable skill for any pet owner. Dogs, much like humans, experience a range of emotions that can lead to anxiety or stress. Recognizing the signs of stress in your dog and knowing how to address them is essential. This article, brought to you by Montgomery Veterinary …

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